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Samburu Game Reserve

Samburu Game Reserve, situated in northern Kenya, is a captivating safari destination that offers a unique and diverse wildlife experience. Spanning over 165 square kilometers, the reserve is renowned for its rugged landscapes, including acacia-studded plains, dramatic cliffs, and meandering rivers.

Samburu is home to a variety of wildlife species not commonly found in other parts of Kenya, known as the "Samburu Special Five." These unique species include the reticulated giraffe, Grevy's zebra, Beisa oryx, Somali ostrich, and the gerenuk, a long-necked antelope. Additionally, Samburu Game Reserve offers various safari experiences, making it an unforgettable safari destination to visit during a Kenya Safari Tour.

Wildlife At Samburu National Park

Samburu National Park boasts a remarkable array of wildlife, including the "Samburu Special Five" – reticulated giraffe, Grevy's zebra, Beisa oryx, Somali ostrich, and gerenuk.

  • The park is also home to elephants, lions, leopards, buffaloes, and various antelope species.
  • The Ewaso Ng'iro River attracts wildlife to its banks, offering excellent opportunities for wildlife viewing.
  • Samburu's rugged landscapes and acacia-studded plains provide a unique backdrop for encounters with these iconic African species.
  • Birdwatchers will delight in spotting over 350 bird species.

With its distinct flora and fauna, Samburu National Park offers a truly exceptional safari experience in northern Kenya's wilderness.

Activities At Samburu National Park

Samburu National Park offers an exciting range of activities that allow visitors to immerse themselves in the unique wilderness of northern Kenya. Some of the top Activities To Do At Samburu National Park include:

Game Drives:

Game drives are the most famous way to explore the park's rugged landscapes and encounter a variety of wildlife, including the "Samburu Special Five" and other iconic African species.


Samburu is a haven for birdwatchers, with over 350 bird species to spot, including vultures, eagles, and colorful kingfishers.

Nature Walks:

Take guided nature walks with knowledgeable rangers to discover the diverse flora and fauna of the reserve, as well as smaller wildlife often missed on game drives.

Cultural Visits:

Engage with the local Samburu people and learn about their traditional way of life, customs, and rich cultural heritage.

River Safaris:

Experience unique river safaris along the Ewaso Ng'iro River, offering opportunities to observe wildlife drinking and bathing at the riverbanks.

Star Gazing:

Experience the magic of African nights with stargazing opportunities, as Samburu's remote location provides clear and unpolluted skies.

Bush Breakfast and Dinners:

Indulge in memorable bush breakfasts or dinners, enjoying delicious meals amidst the wilderness.

Samburu National Park's distinctive wildlife, breathtaking landscapes, and authentic cultural encounters create a truly extraordinary safari experience in the heart of northern Kenya's wilderness.

Well, head on for a unique safari adventure at Samburu National Park! Witness the "Samburu Special Five," encounter iconic wildlife, and embrace the untamed beauty of northern Kenya. Book your Kenya Safari Tour now for a memorable experience!

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"It was a great 3 days safari, we had the chance to see all the animals with our experienced tour guide Ayoubo. "
Mehdi (BE)
"Abraham met us at the Arusha airport, which was very nice. Suggested to take Tarangeti instead of lake Manyara . Glad that we did as we saw elephants , girafs more animals but the most important baobabs. "
Luba – Turkey